BE SAFE - Coronavirus -Ideas for spending your time if Quarantined?

Jean Martineau
BE SAFE - Coronavirus -Ideas for spending your time if Quarantined? - Grannies Garage

Hey all, 
It's a little scary out there with all the news on the Coronavirus and so many people being quarantined. We just want everyone to be safe and healthy. Sending love, thoughts and prayers to everyone in our Grannies Garage community. 

Heart Hands

Grannies Garage is a community of people who want to help each other out. If you need help and/or know of someone who needs help, let me know and I will send it out to the Grannies Garage community of people to try get some ideas for you.

Grannies Garage website and Facebook Marketplace will be shipping small items instead of meeting people to help protect us all from spreading the Coronavirus further.

In the meantime, what can you do if you are quarantined to home for the next two to four weeks. Here is a thought, get rid of stuff. Now is a great time to take this opportunity to clean out your closets and de-clutter your home. It will also help keep your mind off of what is going on in our world right now with the Coronavirus.

Sell some stuff. Make a pile of things you can sell right now. There are a number of platforms where you can sell unwanted items: Facebook Marketplace, Amazon, Ebay, Etsy, etc. and make a little side cash to help make your car, house, insurance payments, etc.

Here is how to get started, make four piles:

  • Sell
  • Donate
  • Give to someone who needs it
  • Trash it

Just start in one corner and work your way around a room. Once you have completed the project, share how your feel. Encourage others!


  • Spend more time and talk with your kids and keep it positive.  (They may have some unexpressed fears) 
  • Do the things you say you never have time to get done (Here is your chance)
  • Puzzles
  • Play Games
  • Write Letters
  • Call your friends and families and be uplifting and supportive (not negative or fearful)
  • Clean out your kitchen and bathroom cupboards, your basement or whatever will help you feel busy.

Help your families and friends stay positive.  Listen to the health experts and follow their suggestions.  Stay safe everyone, remember to be kind to one another and help others.

Check out our Facebook Marketplace (Grannies Garage) for 38 additional helpful ideas.
Granny Jean

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